Kathy Echevarria Greenspace Enhancements

Greenspace Concepts.

We are very excited that the city has taken the time to produce these concepts for enhancing our amazing “slice” of green in the city. We are currently in the community feedback stage and will take your comments to Parks and Rec as we progress toward a formal plan.

Please take the time to review the plans and provide your feedback. You can submit as many times as you would like until the deadline of April 21st.

View Kathy Echevarria Greenspace on Google Maps

Existing Condition

  • VisionZero safety entering and exiting Sterling St. from Gray St.

  • Additional Canopy trees

  • Sidewalk moved further into greenspace off Gray St.

  • Gate around the entire greenspace

Phase 1

Phase 2

  • Improvements in Phase 1 plus….

  • Playground with swings

  • Shelter in the NE corner

Site Amenities

Below are samples of the proposed styles for the enhancement features.

We want to hear from you.

Please take the time to provide your feedback. We want to hear from everyone and anyone about the current concepts.